The Perfect Father

We are settled in, we have our weekly schedules and the children’s homes that we frequent.  We have fallen in love with the children we work with and squeeze and hug them as much as possible.  Every Thursday I go to one of the children’s homes that has the youngest niños and the most babies.   It is a home that was started and is run by Mama Martha.  Martha is a retired nurse that after her husband died felt drawn to help people that needed mercy, orphans. This summer David and I watched these little children quote Romans 8:1-8.  As I watched these little ones,  I realized she is taking care of their needs today, food ,shelter and love, but she is also taking care of their needs for their future.  “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:11.   I am learning so much from her as well as the other missionaries I am working with.  When I am with these kids, I try and make them feel good, feel loved and feel important.  Those are all essential but at the end of the day I have to point them to their heavenly father.  He is the only one that will never leave them or disappoint them.  HE IS THE PERFECT FATHER! When I am long gone, he will be there.  As I have spent time in the Lords presence he has paralleled my care giving with these orphans to my care giving with my own children. God has entrusted them to me and my job is to make them feel good, feel loved and feel important but the “bull’s-eye” is to point them to their Heavenly Father. I do that by personally crying out to “Abba father” in the good and bad times as well as constantly turning them to their “Perfect Daddy.”   When they were little, I could pretty much solve all their problems and be their hero but as they have gotten older I have realized my control was just an illusion.  I cannot take care of all their problems and I have handicapped them with my human abilities.  They have direct access to the creator of this day to take their concerns to. He is their advocate and he fights for them.  He will never leave or forsake them.  I could be gone tomorrow because today is a gift.  And I am so thankful for that gift.  I am so thankful for the lessons I am learning and the people he has put in my life to teach me.  I am thankful for each one of the children I work with and the God I serve.

Mama Martha working on the bible verses with the kids.

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5 Responses to The Perfect Father

  1. Ahhh…you guys are so amazing! I loved your local seminar here in CA and loved your message…about using our residual income for time freedom to do our mission and purpose. You guys are doing it!!! Wow…it was great hearing it then, but seeing these pics and reading your story…is so heartwarming…and I pray that others will follow in your footsteps. I lift you up to our Lord in Jesus’ name for your mission. May God continue to richly bless those you touch and you both! Merry Christmas!!!! In His Love,Roni

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  3. Jodi Thomas says:

    So beautiful Stacy!!! Miss you all so much! I love this verse: Psalms 17:8 NIV
    Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. . . you are showing these kids they are truly the apple of His eye. As you are the apple of His eye as well. Blessings on you all!

  4. Pingback: Alexander7

  5. Pingback: harvey

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