Author Archives: admin

Whited Update

We know one thing, “God is good, all the time.”  Everything else we are still in the process of figuring out. A year ago we decided to take the verses in Mark 10 seriously and dramatically upped our commitment to … Continue reading

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What the Future Holds….

“What a difference a day makes…” I am not sure who said that the first time but if you could take that quote and multiply it times 365, you would have a small idea of what we are feeling as … Continue reading

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A Mission Trip within a Mission Trip…

First off, we would like to say a big “Thank You” and shout out to so many friends that stepped up and helped us make a HUGE impact in the lives of some amazing kids.  This has been an unbelievable … Continue reading

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¿Who Wants In?

Over the past seven months we have seen God do some amazing things. Not just in the world around us, but in our hearts and minds as well. We want to thank all of you who have been on our … Continue reading

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High, Low, Thankful

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  This Christmas was very interesting.  We had never realized how dependant we were on the mental stimulus for the holidays that comes from the weather, fireplaces, stores playing music (in English) and the constant … Continue reading

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The Perfect Father

We are settled in, we have our weekly schedules and the children’s homes that we frequent.  We have fallen in love with the children we work with and squeeze and hug them as much as possible.  Every Thursday I go … Continue reading

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You never know…

We are in a new foreign world and the natural tendency is to compare it to, size it up and weigh it against the world we know.  For some things that is very easy, you learn how many liters of … Continue reading

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Whited’s Settled in Mexico

We are all settled in and growing in confidence daily.  We now know how to get to a dozen different important locations in Monterrey, buy food, un-clog a drain, roughly communicate with our construction crew that are working on the … Continue reading

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The boat’s are burned!!

I made the comment last night on Facebook that “The boats are burning!  At 8 am the movers will be here to put my world into box so, i can step outside of it and see what else God has … Continue reading

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Photos From Our Back2Back Experience in July

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